Q: How do I send articles to theInternational Journal of Technology, Education and Social Humanities  (IJoTES)?

A: To be able to send articles, you must first register. After registering you must log in and click New Submission, then follow the 5 steps. For more complete guidance please open the page:  https://journal.bengkuluinstitute.com/index.php/IJoTES/about/submissions

Q: I registered, but when I logged in I didn't find the New Submission menu

A: chances are you when the register forgot to check the author menu. To be able to activate it please contact our admin gayakupublisher@gmail.com or WA 08562911777


Q: How do I know the status of the article I sent?

A: To find out the status of the article you sent, please log in and see the status of the article. You can read the following guidelines further https://journal.bengkuluinstitute.com/index.php/IJoTES/about/submissions


Q: What should I do if I accept the article decision "Revision Required"?
A: Please refer to the following guide: https://journal.bengkuluinstitute.com/index.php/IJoTES/PEERREVIEWPOLICY


Q: How do I upload the results of the article repairs that I sent?
A: Please refer to the following guide:  https://journal.bengkuluinstitute.com/index.php/IJoTES/PEERREVIEWPOLICY


Q: How do I know if I forget my password and username?
J: To be able to activate it please contact our admin gayakupublisher@gmail.com and or WA 08562911777 Preferably, so you don't forget your username and password are always saved.


Q: How long do I review the article I sent?
A: Regarding the results of the review, at least 4-12 weeks can be seen as the results. To find out the status of the article you sent, please log in and see the status of the article. You can read the following guidelines further https://journal.bengkuluinstitute.com/index.php/IJoTES/PEERREVIEWPOLICY


Other questions please contact our admin via gayakupublisher@gmail.com and or WA 08562911777