Aims And Scope
International Journal of Technology, Education and Social Humanities (IJoTES) is to provide a research medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level research in the fields Culture of Education and Social Science Research . Original theoretical work and application-based studies, which contributes to a better understanding all fields of Technology, Education and Social Humanities,this journal publishes articles once every six months, namely in January-June and July-December.
- Biotechnology
- Molecular biology
- Genetic engineering
- CRISPR/Cas systems
- Genomics
- Bioinformatics
- Medical biotechnology
- Agricultural biotechnology
- Environmental sustainability
- Plant biotechnology
- Biotechnology
- Molecular biology
- Genetic engineering
- CRISPR/Cas systems
- Genomics
- Bioinformatics
- Medical biotechnology
- Agricultural biotechnology
- Environmental sustainability
- Plant biotechnology
- Soil science
- Plant science
- Hydoponics
- Agrotechnology
- Animal science
- Aquaculture
- Forestry
- Agricultural cultivation
- Public health
- Midwifery
- Nursing
- Medicine and Health
- IT Management dan IT Governance
- e-Government
- e-Healthcare, e-Learning, e-Manufacturing, e-Commerce
- ERP dan Supply Chain Management
- Business Process Management
- Smart Systems
- Smart City
- Smart Cloud Technology
- Smart Appliances & Wearable Computing Devices
- Robotic Systems
- Smart Sensor Networks
- Health Information Technology
- Health Information Management
- Health Information System
- Information Infrastructure for Smart Living Spaces
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Health Quality Information Management
Health Information Management
- Models, Methods and Techniques
- Conceptual Modeling, Languages and design
- Software Engineering
- Information-centric Networking
- Human Computer Interaction
- Media, Game and Mobile Technologies
- Data Mining
- Information Retrievel
- Information Security
- Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
- Remote Sensing
- Natural Language Processing
- Education Policy and Leadership
- Business Education
- Educating the educators
- Professional Development for teachers in ICT
- Teacher Evaluation
- Virtual and remote laboratories
- Pedagogy Enhancement with E-Learning
- Course Management Systems
- Web-based tools for education
- Games and simulations in Education
- Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
- Curriculum, Research and Development
- Counselor Education
- Integrating technology in curriculum: Challenges & Strategies
- Collaborative & Interactive Learning
- Tools for 21st Century learning
- Learning Analysis
- Student Selection Criteria in Interdisciplinary Studies
- Global Issues in Education and Research
- Technology Support for Pervasive Learning
- Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Human computer Interaction in Education
- Mobile/ubiquitous computing in education
- Web 2.0, Social Networking, Blogs and Wikis
- Multimedia in Education
Humanities :
- Theology
- Philosophy
- History
- Philology
- Linguistics
- Literature
- Art
- Psychology
- Archaeology
Social Science:
- Economics
- Political Science
- Sociology
- History
- Anthropology
- Commerce
- Social Work
- Home Science
- Public Administration
- Pupolation Studies
- Management
- Education
- Physical Education
- Law
- Library and Information Science
- Mass Communication and Journalism
- Geography
- Computer
- Environmental
- Human Right
- Tourism