Jurnal Pengabdian, Jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat, jurnal pemberdayaan masyarakat,
Each manuscript submitted to the Jurnal Pengabdian will be subjected to pre-review checks for three things, namely conformity with the journal scope, similarity index and conformity with author guidelines. A submitted manuscript that is not in accordance with the scope of the journal will be rejected. A manuscript that has a high similarity index (>20%) and/or not in accordance with the author guidelines will be returned to the author for revision. The manuscript that is in accordance with the similarity index criteria and in accordance with the author guidelines will be carried out by the peer-review process.
The manuscript will be reviewed by reviewers. The review method applied is a double-blind review. The reviewer chosen to review each manuscript is someone who has published an article in an international journal or accredited national journal. The editor will decide whether the manuscript accepted or rejected for publication at the pre-review process and/or after receiving the reviewer's recommendation.
Becoming a Reviewer
If you are not currently a reviewer for Jurnal Pengabdian but would like to be added to the list of reviewers, please contact us. The benefits of reviewing for Jurnal Pengabdian include the opportunity to see and evaluate the latest work in related research area at an early stage, and to be acknowledged in our list of reviewers. Jurnal Pengabdian reviewers are volunteers who contribute their expertise to the science, thus no financial payments are made.